
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I rarely question police tactics because they are often right and the men and women that train and carry them out do so at the risk of their on lives. If you bother to click on this link to deaths related to the war on drugs, read them all. I don't care if you are against the war on drugs or for it, don't read and few and stop read them all. They are all dead. I am sure some can understand how some of these things happen but read them all and tell me if there shouldn't be a lot of time spent on how to do this raid business.

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Monday, September 29, 2003

Numbers don't tell the whole story but the media tells us often how many troops have died since the end of the fighting, I do not know why that number should mean anything. Every member of our Armed Forces we lose is a tragedy but is a cost of defending our county.

Debora Orin writes:
over 57,000 U.S. troops died in Vietnam and so far the U.S. death toll in Iraq is 308, fewer than the 343 firemen who were killed on 9/11.

Every death is a tragedy. But that doesn't make the war a failure. In fact, it is a success.

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Here is a cool blog that epitomizes what I really get excited about when it comes to blogs. New information presented by a person with a unique sense of humor. The link is to a post that G.H.Reynolds linked to and after reading and looking around I was glad he did.

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I haven't read all the comments on this one but I bet they are interesting and entertaining. Mr. Hanoi Jane is complaining about the war and global warming.

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Here is a great post by daniel drezner on the possible white house leak of the spouse of an undercover officer. The post is worth reading and all the links together add up to a lot information.

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Sunday, September 28, 2003

over at TalkLeft they say Bush lied and kids died
Kids and women and children and homicide bombers and teachers and bus drivers, they all die often where we are sending our troops. And the people with the attitude or relegion or dogma or whatever it is in their hearts and minds want to bring their way of warfare over here. And they are capable of bringing it in more than one form. Big planes into big buildings may hopefully be the biggest way but it is not the only or even the worst way they can wreak havoc on our soil. So our kids may die trying to stop them but we must stop them.

"It is time for these troops to come home," said Mr Suarez. "Neither my wife nor my family want more children to die in this illegal war. We are no less patriotic for wanting peace. Bush wants $87bn [£52m] for this war, but what does he give us for our schools?" he asked.

Bush does not want the money for war he wants it for peace.

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I don't say this to irrate anybody but I like G Gordon Liddy, but last week i heard him talking about asking for the US to pull out of the UN and Kick the UN out of the US and I thought he flipped his bald head. Then I read this:

"They're on their own," a U.N. official said. "It's just between them and the American taxpayer."

I guess we often are on our own..

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Just like other naive fans of Law and Order and the like, think that limiting plea bargains would increase the measure of justice. But after reading this article the view does change a bit. How often when your view of something changes does it that change revolve around money?

And even if Mr. Ashcroft actually tries to limit plea bargaining, many judges will conspire with prosecutors to evade the rules. Judges know that the hundreds of new appointees needed to preside over an avalanche of new trials won't take the bench for years, if ever. Moreover, many judges resent the rigidity of the federal sentencing guidelines and will gladly help undermine them. Defense lawyers will also help elude the policy. Private counsel often demand full payment up front and enjoy a rich payday when a case ends in an effortless plea bargain. Public defenders have limited resources and know they cannot try all or most cases.

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I don't know what to make of this, do you?

Regarding your Sept. 26 article "California recall: Does one man hold key?": American politics are now driven by only two considerations: winning and celebrity. Principled candidates - California's Tom McClintock or Republican John McCain - are routinely asked to bow out of races by the "moderates" in their parties, either because they aren't glamorous enough, or because their principled stands on substantive issues makes them "unelectable."

So we have governments of the status quo, for the status quo, and by the status quo. And we move ever further away from being a republic led by persons of principle.
Gerald Arcuri
Thousand Oaks, Calif.

It was found on Christian science monitor and I don't know if this just a quasicynical view by a nonvoter or an on target insight into our political machine.
Or as in our system of representation should not the moderates of the party, with the party's interests in mind ask those who are outside the realm of "status quo" to step down especially considering the ellectabillity of said candidates?

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if I haven't said it or made it obvious i support bush on the basis of him as a leader and i tend to vote republican but this is a mess i don't know if the right hand didn't know what the other was doing or the whitehouse was suffering from a case of shortsightedness. Big steel is still a very important industry in this country, jobwise and trade wise and the white house does not know how act around it?

The steelworkers, meanwhile, thanked the president by endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Richard Gephardt, saying any Democrat would be "better than the reactionary policies of the current administration."

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I really don't like people using any tragic event especially 9/11 to foward their cause. I mean c'mon fight you own political war without using the unfourtunate events that obviously affect so many people and polarize them. Just because americans are on a new patriotic high doesn't mean we forget where we stand on other issues.
Tying gun contro issues to terrorists is cheap.
The anti-gun lobby often heralds Australia and Great Britain as ideal examples of gun control despite the lack of crime reduction in those nations. Indeed, the two now top the industrialized world in crime. These were and are failed endeavors with deadly consequences for many innocent citizens. This knowledge, then, reveals what could happen if the NRA's opponents were successful in using the terrorist threat to their advantage.
the nra should not have to defend it's position with regards to terrorism. Gun control issues were here before 9/11 and will continue to be here untill the pry the gun from my cold dead hands.
There is a local morning radio host that jokes about every change discussed, wether good or bad, by saying "we can't do that the terrorists win" well changes have to be made some because of 9/11 and others inspite of, and still others even if it never happened still need to be made.

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I guess it could come to this

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Saturday, September 27, 2003

Here is a post on water. Not poison water not terrorist tampered water, just water. Tap water and why you should drink it.

I drink bottled water sometimes and everytime i pay for it I recall some of many standup acts about the stupity of buying water so this post was comforting.

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Here is a reason to invade a country: Its citizens are dying @ an alarming rate and the people in power and system by which they are empowered is to blame.

France received a shock this summer, when more than 10,000 of its elderly citizens died in distress during a heat wave--some while supposedly under medical care in hospitals. Thanks to the 35-hour workweek and the long August holiday, these institutions were short-staffed. The families of those who died were on holiday, too.

the article is linked to over at Instapundit and the toll is numbered @ 14,802

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This article by Adam Curry was referenced over @ Haley's Comment. It is worth reading for several reasons. It shows that Americans are not the only people than can come together. It shows what blogging can do for that and for the truth. It points out big media often is the big lie. And it honors a man for who he was.

The Dutch were so outraged that something beautiful happened. Across all ages, race and religion, people joined hands in unison. Thousands waiting hours in front of city halls throughout the country, so they could sign the makeshift condolence registers, tens of thousands more marching in peaceful demonstrations with the mayor of their city at the head of the procession. For that is the real Dutch way, the 'working together' Polder Model.

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Friday, September 26, 2003

You know science and technology may just solve humanities problems.

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If you want to read and articleby an architect critic on a piece of architecture they hate you should read this @ the Chicago Tribune. It is worth registering for the website just to read a long well put together article.

Stadiums are supposed to be like parks, giving people of various classes a chance to rub shoulders, but the new Soldier Field extends the social stratification present in all American stadiums to a new and distressing extreme. Inevitably, there will be frigid and windy winter days when bundled-up fans in the grandstand will look across the field to see, in the suites, the masters of the universe lounging comfortably in shirtsleeves.

Nothing could be further from the social contract once implied by Soldier Field's "we're all in the same bowl" design

I am not a writing expert but as funny as Natalie Maines was on her website this is much better writing.

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Thursday, September 25, 2003

I guess the ACLU's plan is to have public see more of and execution and decide they don't like it?

The ACLU says the prisons are doing this in private--when the inmate is brought into the execution chamber to be killed in the presence of media and witnesses, the needles have already been inserted. The ACLU says the public doesn't get to see how painful the needle insertion procedure is to the inmate

What happened to that desensitizing theory?
Honestly, I would not want to be paralyzed and be awake and not be able to yell or cry or curse those that are doing that to me. No I don't have sympathy for the criminals, but despite their lack of respect to their victims our society should do away with them in the most humane way possible. Even then I am sure it will have it's dirty side. They are human and we have decided they should die. Quick and painless are the two things I look at to judge how humane so if the Pavulon makes this process slower or more painful{masking the pain does not make it painless} than find another drug. Don't let the ACLU use the method of execution to do away with the process of execution.

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On the Christian Science Monitor hints that the us is making up excuses for the war in Iraq and does have some troubleling quotes and dates of quotes. But I am not sure this is so damning.

"The world should have acted sooner," Powell told Kurdish families at a mass grave site. As a justification for the invasion of Iraq 15 years later, that's almost embarrassing.

Well if you read that quote not as a defense for the action but as an " I told you so" to the world then you can see Powells point. The reason we didn't go sooner was that we were dealing with the UN. Trying to get the worlds approval for an action the we knew had to be done. But the fact is Sadam killed alot of people and the world knew about it, the world watches alot of this stuff go on and only cries about it when a) they want the US to do something. b) the US has done something and the "world" disagrees

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I guess he is starved for attention. Here is a real look at David Blaine that is worth a read.

Contrary to his expectations, instead of honor, Blaine has been the butt of insults, taunts, and even an attack. Blaine, too, covets respect and admiration.

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This nanostuff is cool I am really looking foward to what they are able to do with it. .But i wonder what they will be able to do and i've mentioned this before , the more we see of the universe has to effect what we think of the origin of said universe. For some reason cosmology seemed to keep reinforce that theory some call the big bang. Maybe as we look deeper into the design of living things at the nano level we will see this ain't no accident.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Hey if i run the spell checker in my blogger software and use words like blogger and blogosphere it says i spelled them wrong.


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I read
But major net service providers have criticised the action
as "irresponsible" and say it is driven by economic concerns
rather than keeping children safe.

and thought....
this sounds like those folks who want to test drugs and raves{I am not talking about setting up shop and educating youth on the facts and need for water and air ...trying to keep kids alive} the people that say "the kids are going to do it lets tell them how" lets keep abortion legal so that women will not have to go to dirty coat hangers.
MSN may be influenced by profits in this move but fine. If it is a move that closes places for predators to hang out. You don't keep something open just because it is a little better than worse places.
Sorry to mention the abortion and rave issues I am just not articulate enough to explain without anecdotes.

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Guess what..........The internet can be used for some really bad doings. I have come to the conclusion that there will always be a slant to a news story, and more often than not I will disagree with the slant, or angle, or spin or flat out leftwing attitude.[hey I can slant too] But I thank this guy Anil Dash for posting this. If some bad things happen using the web I don't need anyone to say the web made it easy. I want someone to find the person that used the web this way and point the finger at them. That is the story ,a bad guy sold drugs on the web. Not someone bought "web drugs" The headline reads "Student died after buying web drugs". The web is not the story and the drugs are not the story. The story is the buyer and the seller.

Update. After reading the article in question the story is still not the web and although the seller needs to be a story because they are out there and are hard to stop the story in this case is the dead guy. The web had little to do with the death of this individual who needed help. And apparently he had a mother was close enough to see the problem and try to help her son. Her loss is real and her frustration and anger can't be understood by the likes of bloggers that read stories and try to defend our medium. I am sorry her son was overlooked and not helped in life and I am sorry her son was overlooked by writers that missed the point in his death.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I don't know which is worse 300 lbs. of cocaine or C4 but the fact that it came in so easy is disturbing. If you like guacamole or not you should read this.

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i don't know how the blogosphere feels about posting comments from other blogs but i found this comment particularly funny. if by chance you are unfamiliar with scrappleface you should check it out.

ScrappleFace: Iraqi Zoo Animal Toll Continues to Climb: "You Americans are savages! First you slaughter those peace loving natives on your continent, then enslave Africans and export the practice to Europe, break up the sovereignity of Afghanistan, assinate OOday and Quasi, support the terrorist state of Israel, now youre slaughtering innocent Bengals!
I think that Teddy Kennedy should be president of USA. He makes a lot of sense to me.
Posted by: Frenchman's Girl on September 20, 2003 12:23 PM "

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Monday, September 22, 2003

Here is a good post on the subject of domain names or more specificly top level domain names........

"Call this "Krajewski's Law of TLD integration", that for every new TLD that comes out, the rate of "Error 404" messages will rise by a factor of 2x (based on (1) year from roll-out)...

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Hey whaddaya know the internet is not perfect. If you do not understand everything there is to know about domain names or if you didn't know that there was anything to understand check this out.

It explains why there is an organization called ICANN what it does, how it got the power it has and maybe somebody can find a way to make sure the internet stays as friendly and as free as it is of beurocracy.

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Two cool blogs the first of which you probably know about Samizdata and I post this link not only for the blog that is put together and ran expertly but for a feature to found there"blogging glossary" a cool link that gives anyone and especially new folks a good understanding of blog terms. The second site I found while scrolling through the glossary and it caught my eye because it is about language but then the site it self has an interesting feature that I took as a challenge....it says double click on any word on the page and you can get a definition. Now that sounds pretty cool considering the site is about linguistics you see all kinds of words and just to click well....the phrase "any word" caused me to prove them wrong and I smirkingly clicked on click and a window popped up with a ton of definitions for that word. So check it out here.

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Sunday, September 21, 2003

"isntapundit" has a super strange story

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So does this make us more like monkeys or monkeys more like us? If i sit around saying that it's not fair that he got paid more than me and we did the same work does that make me a monkey?

"We showed the subjects compared their rewards with those of their partners and refused to accept a lower-value reward if their partners received a higher-value reward," says Brosnan, "This effect is amplified when the partner does not have to work for the reward."

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Well you may have read this over at Instapundit but here is another chance to decide if we should have.

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Here is a thoughtful look at the enemy and an why we can be glad there haven't been more attacks on us soil and why we should fear there will be.

September 11 changed America, but has certainly changed the world of al-Qaida as well. Here are the shifting grounds that have affected the organization and its Jihad against the “American infidels.”

The surprise effect

In one shot, al-Qaida burned all of its blitzkrieg ammunition.

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Saturday, September 20, 2003

i like our president and am not posting this against him but i read it and think this is something worth watching, the school system in houston may have a few problems:

"Over the past year or so, getting headlines in Texas but only modest coverage elsewhere, the "Texas Miracle" has been disrobed. It was a scam, a hoax. The governor had put the fear of Bush into the school bureaucracy. You will perform, the principals and superintendents were told. You will dramatically bring down the dropout rate and dramatically raise the reading and math scores. Bonuses were promised to those who succeeded, demotions and pay-docking to those who didn't."

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here is a great way to use google and i recomend{i know my recomdation does not mean as much as an intsamendation} looking around the site

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andrew sullivan is linked by Instapundit for a reason i am sure, and the reason may be his writing ability. This article shows off his writing and his thinking on foreign policy and Clark.

"Clark's foreign policy strikes me as an abdication of foreign policy. That was dangerous in the 1990s. It would be fatal now."

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Wow i know that there are people on the left and even farther on the left but i forgot how far left you can go here is and excerpt from an article i bumped into.

"The powers of the police, who had too much power, then, are greater than even the most paranoid of us could have envisioned. The Islamic fundamentalist guerrillas that he funded to fight the Soviets have come back to pay their respects. Ronald Reagan's heir apparent--George Bush--has not only done the old guy one better by stealing the White House, he has much of Reagan's court in the palace with him. It is a court that believes it has no obligation to the rest of the world, much less this nation. "

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Friday, September 19, 2003

here is an article that turned out to be interesting, i first thought it was a Ruby Ridge type thing but you should read the whole thing:

The Park Service is throwing every rule in the book at them. If they put
this kind of vendetta on every rural landowner in Alaska, they could quickly
depopulate the state.

This is a controversy where well meaning people could get in a room for two
hours and come up with a reasonable solution. No, No. Not the Park
Service. They have no intention of being reasonable.

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Thursday, September 18, 2003

What an unbelievable attitude for a parent:
"The mother appealed the June 12 expulsion to county court. She alleged the district violated her daughter's constitutional rights and was not clear in its written policies that oral sex on a bus was unacceptable behavior. "

read the article here that I found on JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS
there is a great top 10 list of things that wrong with this situation.
You know kids are kids and sex is sex but what ain't being taught is consequences. c'mon blame the school district for lack of clarity in its policies. I was in Sonic the other day and washed my hands and had the opportunity to read the policy on handwashing for the employees, it was crazy they had to try and explain every possible reason to wash: break{eating or smoking}, combing hair, handling food, handling trash etc....And then had to add some catchall like any other time you hands need cleaning. What is wrong with saying wash you hands, what is wrong with saying oral sex is wrong on a school bus if it was written down or not

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i am not planning on linking to cartoons and jokes but if you like hurricane jokes look @ this

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this guy lileks apparently does his research here are his thoughts on what he found

I went back to the editorial archives today, to see what was said around the time of the Dec 1998 “Desert Fox” campaign. (And let us just imagine the panic if the current administration started naming military operations after famous Nazi nicks.) As I trolled back and forth in the microfiche looking for the relevant piece, I was struck by the other things the chattering classes brayed five years ago. "Lift the sanctions" was a popular item. And why? Because it would show Saddam the world was serious about giving him one last chance. Okay, here’s your gun back. But if you shoot us we’re going to take it away. The naivety nearly makes you weep. These people didn’t want Saddam’s body bobbing ass-up in the Tigris. They wanted a world in which the fascist clique that ruled Iraq curtseyed and bowed in the lovely gavotte of international diplomacy.

you should read what else he found here.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I don't know of too many people these days that cannot relate to the feeling of living in a wasteland of human life

this was found on a transhuman site and i know by saying what i am going to say ruins the chance of any of these guys ever returning to my site. So i will try to say first that i like a lot of what i find there, i have several pages bookmarked and read the news posted there often. The science that they are interested in definitely has my attention and i think that a lot of what they hope for or believe will happen with the human being may very well happen. Their drive will thankfully make some things happen just as man dreaming of flying made kittyhawk happen. But i am afraid that part of what drive a lot this thinking is evidently despair and that comes from and emptiness. That emptiness cannot be filled by changing the human genome, not by creating the posthuman, that emptiness is really there and can only be filled by Christ. There is a wholesome and God intended way to fulfill every hunger and desire that we humans have. Love, companionship, even immortality is really fulfilled after this mortal coil is shed. We have that promise. And we have the gift to make this go round here on earth better for us and for those to come. That is what i like about the science transhumans are interested in. It can improve this life but it can't beat it. This life is bought and paid for. If you managed to read and still be here the article that prompted me can be found here.

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Wow I am a space fan and now consider the subject of space exploration something the US evidently can't spend the money on. But I found this on Samizdata.
"Don't tell me that NASA isn't risk averse just because the bureaucracy missed a problem and lost a shuttle. We've lost fourteen men and women in spaceflight and three more on the pad in four decades of manned spaceflight. More aviators than that died in almost every single year at the dawn of flight whose centenary is but three months away. Individuals can accept risk and push boundaries forward rapidly; democratic governments cannot"
How far do you think China will go or is the quesiton how far are the willing to go?

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Blix says "I mean, you can put up a sign on your door, 'Beware of the Dog,' without having a dog," in an aritcle on what was not found in Iraq. I don't think this has any affect on the war or the reasons for it but the explanation is logical. Why would Sadam tell everyone he was nuetured?

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Come visit my store on CafePress!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

hey the rebublicans have a slogan in california "The Democrats have wasted enough of your money; now give us a chance, to waste your money."
that from a well written article

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Mr. Clinton is a good speaker but would you want him your side when things are as messy as they are in Cali?
check out this post and links it really does seem to be a good speech.

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The legal system always intrests me and rarely make sense these days so maybe we should have seen it coming but this guy usually make sense even out of an absurd situation.

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people that talk in movies upset me too but would you pass these out?

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Here is todays link to Instapundit and it is for those who have doubts about the war or think we are risking the lives of our young men and women for oil.

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Monday, September 15, 2003

i post this for fun i found this after signing up with blogsnob and passing time with the act of blogsnobopping{following links on successive sites} check this out it is a game and seems to be fun i think it would be rude of me not to link to the site i found this at

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i will try to only postl links to instapundit once a day and today along with a link to advice for new bloggers i found this.

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Sunday, September 14, 2003

i am posting this because it is a cool looking website with an even cooler amount of information on it. if you are interested in books, literature, history then you need to check this site out.

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if you ever doubt and wonder about the accurateness of media pictures protesters take a look at this at instapundit

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this seems to be one very good way to look at school vouchers

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i like this

I may not entirely like the way the war is being fought, but there is a war going on. One declared upon us. You can pretend it isn't or doesn't have to be there, but don't give me a surprised look should the gun ever come to your head.

if you do or you don't you might wana read this.

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i wonder what it takes to get on this christmas list

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Saturday, September 13, 2003

All players are not paid the same in the pro's and whaddaya know all players are not disciplined the same at the college level.

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The fate of terrorists.

i dont really feel qualified to post on the topic of 9/11 but i found this comforting.

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i don't like home owners associations but that has nothing to do with this idiot

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what is a blog if you don't link to Instapundit well there is a reason for those links and a reason for those hits if you want to compare our criminal justice system with somebody elses check this out.

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Friday, September 12, 2003

want to know if the folks across the pond know the difference between pop culture and history?

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i have fixed several links so that means that i had several more that were messed up so please check them out most should work and i am working on the rest thanks

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i was ready for some football and then...

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Is it P.C. to hate P.C.
read P.C. vs. the Indian Princesses

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Thursday, September 11, 2003

i read this......
The Hebrew daily Ma'ariv said that the army was considering exiling Arafat but was waiting for a green light from Washington.

But in an editorial in the Jerusalem Post, an English language daily, editors said "Enough."

"The world will not help us; we must help ourselves," the editors said. "We must kill as many of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders as possible, as quickly [as] possible, while minimizing collateral damage but not letting that damage stop us. And we must kill Yasser Arafat because the world leaves us no alternative."

and thought this....

maybe the world leaves them no alternative but i think even though they have been dealing with terrorism longer our stance and reaction regardless of what the world thinks has given the isrealis an oportunity to speak more freely....i am sure this is not the first time assisination of Yassar has crossed their minds i dont know that much about him and i would vote for that, they know him much better than i

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free reign bbq chickens and seatbelts yeah i know how to spell read the article

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someow i dont think it ironic that tommy chong was sentenced on drug charges

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someone from the left said what? about patriotism?
“Patriotism, is not only a gift to others, it is a self-declaration: It affirms that who you are extends beyond – far beyond – yourself, or the limited being that you thought was yourself. You are not an isolate. Just as you have a given name and a family name, you also have a national name. One deep truth about September 11 was that a community was attacked, not an assortment of individuals.” Just so. Those individuals in their identity beyond themselves is what America is about.

read the article it came from if you want to know the difference in right and left and why vietnam style protesting does not apply now and didn't really apply then

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how do you like this i sign up to recieve[free] email newsletter{which is usually a bad idea} and a post in the[free] newsletter asks for money

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Wednesday, September 10, 2003

this guy may be "oc" but if you flip through the table of contents it is pretty interesting

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this guy is angry and i don't blame him we all said and bought the bumper sticker "we will never forget"

Dean's World

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i dont know if God shows His hand more when we look at the big picture: galaxies, stars, planets or when we look and the small things people, animals, organs, cells, nanotechnology?

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i know those first two posts are backwords but im learnin

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i found this on instapundit
"As Ken Layne wrote last year:
What happens when an industry mistreats its customers and its suppliers? When 8,999 of 9,000 audits show shoddy accounting practices? When a core business is bungled and the marketplace shrugs and moves on? When scandals and greed lead to massive layoffs and massive disgust?
The answer: it sues its customers."

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heres the link to the story

FOXNews.com - Views - KenLayne.com - Music Fans Must Rebel Against Greedy Record Industry

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this blog exists for two reasons one i want to blog, two i want to show that this is a way to do something else

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