
Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I don't know of too many people these days that cannot relate to the feeling of living in a wasteland of human life

this was found on a transhuman site and i know by saying what i am going to say ruins the chance of any of these guys ever returning to my site. So i will try to say first that i like a lot of what i find there, i have several pages bookmarked and read the news posted there often. The science that they are interested in definitely has my attention and i think that a lot of what they hope for or believe will happen with the human being may very well happen. Their drive will thankfully make some things happen just as man dreaming of flying made kittyhawk happen. But i am afraid that part of what drive a lot this thinking is evidently despair and that comes from and emptiness. That emptiness cannot be filled by changing the human genome, not by creating the posthuman, that emptiness is really there and can only be filled by Christ. There is a wholesome and God intended way to fulfill every hunger and desire that we humans have. Love, companionship, even immortality is really fulfilled after this mortal coil is shed. We have that promise. And we have the gift to make this go round here on earth better for us and for those to come. That is what i like about the science transhumans are interested in. It can improve this life but it can't beat it. This life is bought and paid for. If you managed to read and still be here the article that prompted me can be found here.

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