
Thursday, September 25, 2003

On the Christian Science Monitor hints that the us is making up excuses for the war in Iraq and does have some troubleling quotes and dates of quotes. But I am not sure this is so damning.

"The world should have acted sooner," Powell told Kurdish families at a mass grave site. As a justification for the invasion of Iraq 15 years later, that's almost embarrassing.

Well if you read that quote not as a defense for the action but as an " I told you so" to the world then you can see Powells point. The reason we didn't go sooner was that we were dealing with the UN. Trying to get the worlds approval for an action the we knew had to be done. But the fact is Sadam killed alot of people and the world knew about it, the world watches alot of this stuff go on and only cries about it when a) they want the US to do something. b) the US has done something and the "world" disagrees

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