
Sunday, September 28, 2003

Just like other naive fans of Law and Order and the like, think that limiting plea bargains would increase the measure of justice. But after reading this article the view does change a bit. How often when your view of something changes does it that change revolve around money?

And even if Mr. Ashcroft actually tries to limit plea bargaining, many judges will conspire with prosecutors to evade the rules. Judges know that the hundreds of new appointees needed to preside over an avalanche of new trials won't take the bench for years, if ever. Moreover, many judges resent the rigidity of the federal sentencing guidelines and will gladly help undermine them. Defense lawyers will also help elude the policy. Private counsel often demand full payment up front and enjoy a rich payday when a case ends in an effortless plea bargain. Public defenders have limited resources and know they cannot try all or most cases.

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