
Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Here is an interesting and aggressive way to protect children

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i post here the last two in a great list found on Liddy's site check it out.

19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.

20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic funding by the Chinese Communists is somehow in the best interest of the United States.

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this falls under the "there's all kinds" catagory

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a link to this was found on Dave Barry's blog, the voyeur in me made me click, but it was almost tasteful.

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Sunday, October 26, 2003

war heroes often get my vote republican war heroes even more so but Pejmanesque pointed to this article on John McCain that shows he seems reluctant to spend on upgrading a very old fleet of air tankers.........I am not sure I understand his position .

Update: while you are reading Pejman the preceding post reiterates why we should finish {and by finish I mean stay} in Iraq.

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Cloning is cool no it is an abomination...no it's...

the post you are about to read was posted months ago but it points out that the anti's hadn't at that point articulated an argument.....read it and tell me if there has been one since.

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Bitter Right-to-Die Debate Far From Over for Schiavo's Family

please read and listen to the links found here
the post focuses on the bias of NPR but reading the post and following the links gives you a good look at this case, a case centered on a decision reached in the 80's. It may be time to revisit that decision. Climate and technology has changed in 20 years and will change more so the next 20 years.

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Saturday, October 25, 2003

Here is a mariage saver...........you know the old lift the seat put the seat back down thing well how about a way to make sure he never misses.

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isn't it great to live in a country people want to come to, and to have people coming here that want to serve.

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Friday, October 24, 2003

if you want to do some good , wether your for or against what the US did in Iraq take a look at this post. it describes and provide links to help out a to drive for Iraqi children started by a soldier over there.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2003

i don't know how to explain the humor that i found in this post it's not that all dope smokers are idiots but alot of dope smokers are well.......idiots

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Saturday, October 18, 2003

believe me i want artists to make money and keep doing what they do......entertain and enlighten.........but alot of people thing the riaa is going overboard well somebody looked into how overboard they are going..

here is a victim/perp or theif/martyr i dunno what to call them

We have three daughters, ages 20, 18, and 12, all whom are musically talented .... our eldest daughter is majoring in Vocal Performance at ______ University.... collectively we own over 500 CDs. Many of the downloaded songs are actually singles from various CDs we own ... the girls enjoy creating their own mixes.

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read this post and take a look at the picture... i was surprised to see a negative view of bloggerconn but here is what i think...
the day of the computer nerd is hopefully gone...these folks were all turned on to blogging by other bloggers and they are letting me know what they think. i was not there and i know alot of what went on. what i don't know are conversations and interactions these folks had in the hallways and such. and i am sure the interactions added to their experience....that is a long winded way of saying these folks are not as pitiful as some may think they are using technology to share information. we have used paper, phone, cave walls and we will use something else soon.

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Friday, October 17, 2003

I don't know where to start....we all know there is a price for progress but...

They demolished his house with his wife still inside it!?! That seems pretty bloody careless, even for a communist.

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Great Photo
i am sure this blog has lots of reasons to be read but look at this photo

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Thursday, October 16, 2003

First I wish Rush the best in his fight with addiction. Second I don't think he needs to be ran out of town because of his stance and previous statements of the subject. From what I have heard he thinks the the use or abuser is responsible and and so hThere's a deeper and more profound question we should be asking - if an obviously intelligent man with a strict and demanding sense of morality can fall prey to drug addiction, what of the rest of us? he didn't "buy into" the disease thing. I am sure his position of disease may receive on and adjustment, the fact the the user/abuser needs to take responsibility is something he will spend alot of time on in rehab. I read this.............

"There's a deeper and more profound question we should be asking - if an obviously intelligent man with a strict and demanding sense of morality can fall prey to drug addiction, what of the rest of us? "

While his patience may get a kick in the pants I don't think that his overall position will or should change

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Sunday, October 12, 2003

I post this link to glenn reynolds talking about self defense use of a handgun. Why does commn sense have so little affect on our criminal justice system.

"and the authorities can be astonishing in their willingness to expend far more energy prosecuting someone who defends his home against criminals than they are willing to spend on the criminals themselves."

Common sense says go after criminals, we should not be in the buiseness of passing and enforcing laws to keep law abiding home owners on the straight and narrow. Those are not the people I need my family protected from. And if the protection I provide for my family is demonstrated with the use of deadly force{and when i make that decision it will be made and acted upon without looking for a coalition to agree with me} I hope a jury of my peers will use common sense.

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Sunday, October 05, 2003

Can we solve the digital divide with technology or education?
Somehow that issue was raised at bloggercon and here is a post about the conference that addresses that point.


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Friday, October 03, 2003

USS Clueless - No-exit Victory strategy

that is a very long and very engaging post on specificly how to answer the calls for an exit strategy or those that will say the US is in a quagmire the longer we stay in Iraq. But in general it gives you an overview of US military history that you would be hard pressed to beat.

That's why we can't leave. We had to occupy both Japan and Germany for decades, and we're going to have to do the same in Iraq. In a year or two or five, whenever enough progress has been made to permit it, a new constitution will be put into place and the Iraqis will elect their own government, and we'll turn power over to them. But we will need to keep a substantial military force there afterwards for the foreseeable future, on the order of 30 years.


And of course, eventually Germany did invade France and tried to conquer the UK. But there was no significant risk of those kinds of things in the 1950's, as long as the US was there.

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Thursday, October 02, 2003

I can't find an appropriate quote from the article I am linking to. Please read it anyway Suzanne Fields writes about an incident over an old article on Hitler. Although the actions surrounding the posting of this brings some attention to freedom of the press of which Hitler was no big supporter, the heart of the article is about attitudes toward Hitler by the press and by Churchill. The very different views of media and a leader.

Husein and bin Laden have been around for a while, so long that when we saw the planes crash into the twin towers we "knew" who did it. Why didn't we stop the enemy? We knew who the enemy was.

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Although this statement starts off with "Indeed" or maybe because it is not the comment at the end you may know this did not come from our friend "instapundit" but it is worth reading

Indeed, no one can dispute torture chambers and mass graves. No one can dispute that the "coalition of the willing" put an end to one of the most oppressive regimes since the Nazis oppressed Europe. The president should keep reminding us of this.

again i say we should never forget. not just wave flags and place bumper stickers but remember the war was started by them and we should defend ourselves as well as the rest of the world even though most will criticize us for it. Read the article here.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I found this on a blog in a list of things kids said as a definition of love. This one obviously had an editorial{wow} so the blogger was moved by it as well. What a powerful statement. If you want to love better, if you want to show love to the world you better do it in a way that takes you out of your comfort zone. My thanx to cuddles

Bobby - age 7 (Wow!): "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate."

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