
Friday, October 03, 2003

USS Clueless - No-exit Victory strategy

that is a very long and very engaging post on specificly how to answer the calls for an exit strategy or those that will say the US is in a quagmire the longer we stay in Iraq. But in general it gives you an overview of US military history that you would be hard pressed to beat.

That's why we can't leave. We had to occupy both Japan and Germany for decades, and we're going to have to do the same in Iraq. In a year or two or five, whenever enough progress has been made to permit it, a new constitution will be put into place and the Iraqis will elect their own government, and we'll turn power over to them. But we will need to keep a substantial military force there afterwards for the foreseeable future, on the order of 30 years.


And of course, eventually Germany did invade France and tried to conquer the UK. But there was no significant risk of those kinds of things in the 1950's, as long as the US was there.

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